You may already know the abbreviation “AMOE” stands for “Alternate Method Of Entry”. You might not know these four important details:
1) An Alternate Method Of Entry May Require the Purchase of a Postage Stamp: It’s OK to require sweepstakes entrants mail a letter or postcard. However, entrants do so at their own peril – in 2023 we received an AMOE mailed in 1999!
2) You Can Motivate a Purchase: It’s totally cool to motivate your audience to make a purchase in exchange for an entry. It’s not cool to omit an AMOE in the sweepstakes official rules and disclaimers.
3) Sometimes You Need an Alternate Method Of Entry Even When Not Motivating a Purchase: Some states view requiring an in-store visit or actions of effort as “consideration”, which means you need to include an AMOE for these state residents, only.
4) Requiring a Free Enrollment For Entry Doesn’t Necessitate an AMOE: It’s true; requiring entrants to enroll in a no-cost rewards program is typically not viewed as consideration.
If you’d like to discuss an upcoming promotion, don’t hesitate to reach out or reply to this email – we’re here to help.